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Product Litigation

With our clients' expertise, we gain a thorough understanding of the products in question and the different environments in which they may be used. We know that the outcome of a single lawsuit can impact our clients' design concepts and marketing strategies. We understand the responsibilities our clients have to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and other federal and state regulatory bodies. We bring experience as well as consistent and careful coordination to the defense of our clients' product.

At Davies, McFarland and Carroll, LLC, product defense is more than just courtroom advocacy. We work alongside our clients to design product warnings and instruction manuals. Through membership in organizations such as ASTM and ANSI, we are aware of developments in product design, performance and testing standards. Additionally, we closely monitor state and federal product liability legislation. We regularly provide seminars to our clients' in-house engineers and risk managers to share with them our product litigation experience.

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